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Home » Archives » July 2007 » How to Bike Albany

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07/08/2007: "How to Bike Albany"

There should be some kind of guide for biking Albany (NY of course), though then again maybe it's more fun figuring it out for yourself.

I biked around Albany for the first time today, well, for the first time out of my neighboring area (Friday was the first time). It was pretty neat actually, I hadn't really biked a good distance like that in a long time (around 5 yrs. I think, and that was only in Ithaca to go a short distance to work, and only with difficulty because I was usually tired and didn't really know anything about adjusting the bike for my size. I did bike on our trip to Portland, a week or so ago, but I don't think that counts so much since it was in a far-distant city).

I suppose I forgot, if I really ever knew, how quickly one can move on a bike. I was in places in no time, which by walking would seem eons away. Of course driving is quicker, but driving generally sucks. I do like it in the country, though less and less as the idea of burning oil seems less and less appealing, and less and less friendly. I somehow feel more assured and more free knowing that I can get to the far reaches of the city in around 45 minutes, if not less once I get more in shape and know more about what I am doing. It's re-enlived Albany for me, which for some time now has seemed to me a place without significant energy, joy or vitality, even though I am happy to be once again on my own, which has been quite wonderful. Somehow taking to the streets and feeling free on them has made Albany seem greener and happier, where people go out of doors and smile, and even seem like they really are enjoying it. Thank you bicycles, I think you make the world a livlier place (and bicycle inventors and developers of course).

Replies: 3 Comments

On Sunday, July 8th, Scott Kreidler said:

Unfortunately, it's still Albany. smile

On Wednesday, August 29th, Jesse said:

Yes, I suppose it still is wink

On Friday, October 5th, Ari said:

Love this post - I just did a little bikeride around our neighborhood the other day, and felt very much the same. Yay bikes.