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Saturday, August 20th

poivron rouge

Yes, I picked our gardens' first red pepper yesterday! This is exciting as I never before witnessed the transformation from green bell pepper to red bell pepper. It did take 2-3 weeks to go from green to red, but it's well worth the wait. So, there should be more reds from the bells soon. The mandarins have large green peppers as well, so they may also be ready soon.

More super sweets ready today, as well as the large variety - both seem to be in swing now. Still tons of sun golds.

Jesse on 08.20.05 @ 11:00 PM EST [link]

Wednesday, August 17th

more tomatoes, and beets!

Well I must say the sun gold tomato plant is quite a producer. Today I picked tomatoes from all 3 varieties - the sun golds yielded about 5 pints again. The other cherry tomato plant (which I think is a super sweet) yielded about 1 pint, with many over-ripe tomatoes falling to the ground. It seems these two cherry varieties must be picked regularly or their fruit burst open. The third variety yielded about 8-10 tomatoes, and these are a larger type, about 4-5" long, though they don't taste like much. So, I'm sure there will be more to pick tomorrow, from all 3 varieties.

The second batch of beets is ready, or most of it is anyway.

The gourds continue to grow and I continue to wonder how I will know when they are ready.

The cucumber plants has a good number of baby cucumbers ready to grow, but I wonder if they will since the deer have eaten most of their leaves.

Picked my first pumpkin yesterday! They really are Jason's, but this one looked like it needed to be picked.

Jesse on 08.17.05 @ 09:53 PM EST [link]

Sunday, August 14th


Lots of tomatoes are ready now. Today I must have picked 7 pints worth of sun golds - they are orange and are rather sweet, and are the size of cherry tomatoes. The other cherry tomato variety is also ready, but they don't seem to have produced nearly as many as the sun gold, and I haven't had a chance to pick them yet. They taste more like traditional cherry tomatoes. The larger variety has produced 3-4 ripe tomatoes so far, but they don't have much taste, must be used for cooking.

Some ears of corn are already ready, with the others looking to follow shortly.

It seems the muskmelons have decided to grow after all, saw about 3 or 4 that were 5" in diameter.

Have many varieties of gourds now, probably 6 or 7. Some of them look to be fully grown.

Jesse on 08.14.05 @ 11:23 PM EST [link]

Thursday, August 4th


It seems the time that many plants in the garden are becoming ready.

I started picking cucumbers about 4 days ago; they have been sweet and juicy. They have the little spines too, which is a nice reminder that they came from our garden and not a store. So far the ones I've picked have been about 8" long, though I'm sure they would have grown bigger if I had let them.

The main field of corn is almost ready to pick. One or two days ago I noticed that there were already small ears forming, maybe between 6-8" long. The ornamental popcorn started to flower 1-2 days ago.

The gourds are also maturing and there are more and more each day. I have noticed three types so far: a round one with a yellow top and green and white stripes below, a round very light green, a long one with yellow, green and white. The first two have been developing for a while, whereas the latter I just noticed today.

There are four medium-stage pumpkins that I have noticed in the patch near the fence. I'd say they range between 5-10" in diameter. I've also noticed two other small ones.

There are bell peppers of appropriate size to pick, but I want to wait until they turn red. The mandarins have only small peppers on them so far.

The tomatoes have started to turn red as well. Already, the romas in front produced several reds a yesterday or the day before. Though we haven't had a chance to try them yet as it seems the chickens have found a taste for them. There are several sun golds turning orange today, though they are the size of cherry tomatoes. I'm thinking that they tomatoes have waited so long to mature because so much energy was going into the leaves instead of the fruit.

Really the garden is out of control. The tomatoes are in the peppers, the gourds and cucumbers are in the tomatoes and the ornamental corn, the swiss chard are being shaded out by the tomatoes. I think next year I will be able to plant the same number of plants I did this year, but in an area twice as large. In any case it hasn't been bad this year, except for the tomatoes and the peppers everything seems to be maturing on time and in abundant quantities. Though the peas should be planted much earlier next year, as the heat culled their production.

The sunflowers in the old garden patch are doing very well, with two of them at least a foot over my head. The ones near the house are smaller.

The eight baby chicks are starting to grow pretty fast, they often go off away from their mother while foraging. There are two jet black ones, and one with grey-edged feathers, but the others look like they will all resemble barred rocks - the banding is quite clear and has been for a while. One of the barred ones has a light colored head, so it will be interesting to see how he turns out. I've counted 3 with no clear sign of a crest, hopefully more will be hens. We've been getting about 7 eggs a day for the past week and a half, of several different shades and colors.

Jesse on 08.04.05 @ 03:25 PM EST [link]